Monday, January 14, 2013


I was so excited to wake up to snow this morning! All other work plans had to go out of the window I'm afraid, snow is so rare and so special around here! We're lucky if we get six days of snow in a year, and so when it comes I have to drop everything and paint it. It's the law.


  1. I wonder if that's all we'll get for this winter? I admire your fortitude but I can see it's the only real way to capture the atmosphere. I like Kurt Jackson's paintings and he works outside in all weathers too, a different style of painter from yourself but keen to capture the light and energy in a scene.

    1. I like Kurt Jackson's work too, especially his sketchbooks. Hope you're keeping warm!

  2. Same round here very rare stuff!! I'm all packed up and ready to go tomorrow. I hope it's still there, I won't sleep!! Look forward to seeing your painting.

    1. How are you getting on with the snow Sheila?

    2. I had a great time, it was a lovely to be out there. Went again today when it was snowing quite hard. Found it difficult to capture the tones, and am not very good at small birds!! And need to sort out my footwear so toes survive!

  3. Looking at the forecast you are going to have a solid week of painting. Looking forward to seeing the results.

    1. Thanks Mick, we had loads on Monday then most thawed on Tuesday. We now have patches of ice left that look like snow, but more snow due to Friday and over the weekend so fingers crossed!

  4. Cripes! I'm such a wimp!! I wish I could get that excited about snow! BUT, you have made me think!!!! So, I have now promised myself that the next white day I shall be brave, put on the hat and gloves, and go out and PAINT! (And take a camera with me just in case! :-) looking forward to seeing your snow paintings.

    1. Do you have any snow down there Joy? Whatever you do wrap up warm! Brrrr!


Thank you for your words!