Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Chicken huts in the snow

Chicken huts in the snow
This is yesterday's painting, produced during constant snowfall. I'm quite pleased with it now that I see it again, and the conditions were pretty challenging! My friend suggested I use it as next year's Christmas card design which I think is a brilliant idea! Also, if I get around to producing a calendar for 2014, this could be January :-)
Today was very different as no new snow fell here, and in fact yesterday's snow thawed a lot throughout the day. We have a lot less now and need a top up!
I managed two paintings today and both featured snow and animals. I'll show you those next.

I can't paint tomorrow as I'm going to London to see the famous new Royal portrait and then Ken Howard's new exhibition at the Richard Green gallery. How exciting! I will miss painting in the snow but am looking forward to catching up with painter friends.
Will hopefully get a few words with Ken Howard too although I expect he will be surrounded at all times!


  1. Love your chicken huts, snow, chickens, and the fence, composition genius. You've done it again!

    I'll look forward to your comments on the royal portrait, especially compared to the photos. And give those nice people at Richard Green a shout for me, I won't forget the Ken Howard catalog that they gave me last summer. And Ken, what can I say? I finally got a copy of the wonderful Variations on a Theme video that we watched on the bus, just viewed it again this weekend. He is so great.

    1. Thanks Bobbi! I wish you could have been there! x

  2. Thanks for posting the link to Ken Howard's exhibition - he is a marvellous painter!
    So envious of your snow!

    1. I think most people in England would gladly swap their snow for your heat and sunshine Carol! ;-)

  3. Wonderful atmosphere, it just goes to show you don't need any sunshine for a snow scene. I can just feel that cold!
    PS where did you get your painting umbrella,very handy.

    1. Thanks Heather, actually I rather like the conditions when the snow is falling thickly and everything gets pretty dark and grey/green! I also appreciate those beautiful paintings of snow in sunshine with crisp violet shadows. It's a Jullian umbrella, it's available from www.jullian.co.uk

  4. Hi Haidee.
    Absolutely brilliant. My, I wish that ii had your courage and get up and go sort of feeling. It`s a wonderful Painting Haidee. Enjoy our Ken. All the best.

    1. Thank you very much Vic! It was great to see our Ken! :-)

  5. Good day today Haidee! Fine painting - I particularly like the well-observed dark snowflakes against the lighter sky!


Thank you for your words!