Saturday, January 24, 2015

Musical Interlude

I've kept you 'on hold' for a long time now in the middle of bringing you my annual review! Just popped back to say I'm very sorry about that, I haven't been very well for the last few weeks. Nothing serious, just a nuisance cold with coughing and headaches. I have got lots of sketching done and my tax return and quite a lot of painting so it's not been all bad, but I've needed quite a lot of rest too. All being well I can get back to blogging next week. In the meantime, here's a sketch of my gorgeous daughter looking at her phone and wearing a big furry black hat.


  1. Sorry to hear you've been poorly Haidee-Jo, I wondered where you were. I hope you're back to full health and strength soon. The colds this winter have been really vicious.

    1. Ah, thanks Julie. I know so many people who have got one/had one. I keep thinking I'm on the mend then getting another setback. Fingers crossed I'll see the back of it soon!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you John, feeling much better today :-)

  3. Get well soon Haidee, ... miss your work.

    To say it in Dutch: "Van Harte Beterschap!"


Thank you for your words!

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