Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Bay view

Room with a view, Portscatho

I couldn't resist painting the view from the window and the whole window and a part of the little fisherman's shelter! Fun to paint my paintings within a painting.
 It was such a wonderful place to spend a couple of days. Can you imagine having a studio with a sea view like this? What a dream :-)


  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je vous envie ! je pense que la lumière et la vue apporte une belle note de joie à peindre...
    Merci de nous montrer cette belle peinture. Elle a une âme.

    Gros bisous ♡

  2. The little bright patch of sunshine on the floor is just lovely, Haidee, and the blue light on the bench on the right. I like the jug of sunflowers so simply captured, and the (?) artist's hat. So many interesting little notes.

  3. It would be my dream, Haidee... where do you live in Lincolnshire? How lucky to be painting in Cornwall.


Thank you for your words!