Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Blowsy clouds and Patchings

Blowsy clouds and dappled light
Oils 16" x 20"

I only have time to show you quickly this new painting from the allotments, it's becoming an impressive display of greens there now :-)

I've been at Patchings Art Centre all day setting up my stand for the festival, and I'll be there each day from now until Sunday. Hope you can make it over to see me, and all the other exhibitors of course!


  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    J'aime beaucoup l'atmosphère de cette peinture avec la serre et le potager... Très jolies nuances de verts... Une lumière extraordinaire vient illuminer votre oeuvre.

    Gros bisous ☼

  2. It looks beautiful, love the greens! More good luck! X


Thank you for your words!