Wednesday, April 22, 2015

California flowers

California flowers
Oils 14" x 10"

I've come back from the convention full of inspiration, refreshed and raring to go - which is exactly what I was hoping for! It was terrific to spend time with my friends and meet lots of new friends and put a face to existing Facebook friends! Especially Cory who's been following my blog since just about the time when I started it in 2011 :-)

 The coastline in this part of California is incredible and I know I will have to come back here to paint. The light seems crystal clear and of course for me the sunshine makes a subject of just about anything. Take the backlighting on these flowers for example.

It was a wrench every day - be out painting or be in the conference centre watching all the wonderful demos and talks. Did I tell you they laid on free coffee all day too? Yes that pleases me ;-)

Look - freebies!
Look at all the gifts! I love gifts - and stickers! There are stickers for my easels ;-)


  1. I enjoyed the paintings you did while in California and love seeing you topping it off with this beauty. It shows the quality of the LIGHT stayed with you. It is remarkable isn't it.
    happy you enjoyed such a great time. Money well spent!

    1. Thank you Julie! I agree it was money well spent. The convention was even better than I thought it would be, and I had high hopes!

  2. Beautiful work! Loved meeting you in person too :)


Thank you for your words!