Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Exciting times - new book!

Washing day, Venice

I must fill you in on my very exciting news! My Facebook friends may have already seen me mention this earlier in the year when I asked which topics you would like to see covered, but of course not all of my lovely blog readers are also on Facebook.

I have begun to write a book on oil painting. Its going to be full of information and inspiration and of course my paintings. A lot of the information will be useful for working in other mediums too, as it will be about the properties of a successful painting and how to put them into practice. I have had a planning meeting with the publishers so all I need to do now is work on the content - all 144 pages!

I'm hugely excited, but I also wanted to warn you that I have a very busy year ahead of me! I will continue to blog as often as I can but please be patient with me if you don't hear from me for a few weeks sometimes. I will be having not one but three solo exhibitions in 2015 so I need to be ultra productive and organised.

I've got lots of fab travel plans for this year - California, France, Umbria, Channel islands, Venice... which means there will be lots of good stuff to blog about when I get the opportunity ;-)


  1. Exciting times ahead Haidee-Jo! Good luck with writing the book. I'll look forward to seeing it when it's published.

  2. Congratulations Haidee-Jo! What exciting times ahead - and full of painting too. I look forward to more snippets and paintings online and on facebook. Best wishes, Philippa

  3. I'm really looking forward to seeing your book with all it's info. May I ask, can you mention how to make shadow colours for red, blue and yellow etc in oils it's such a grey area for me in oils, how not too make them grey and dead.?
    Best of luck with it Haidee-Jo, an exciting time!
    Love Joy x

  4. Ooh, looking forward to having that!


Thank you for your words!