Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A cold corner

Sleeping awhile
Oils 14" x 18"

My big painting from the allotments last week in the snow. I really am pleased and excited with this. I feel as though there is a real breakthrough going on for me at the moment, and that the recent studio work I've been doing with the Christmas market scenes is now impacting on my plein air work. It's hard to put my finger on exactly what's going on but it's all very exciting. It's all to do with being able to say it more succinctly - "marked by compact precise expression without wasted words".

Incidentally I should tell you that it doesn't always go swimmingly and sometimes progress seems just beyond reach but I always know that it will come. When I'm going through a period of self doubt I just believe that it means a change is coming. I had this belief strongly in November and December last year and now I'm starting to see why. I just tell you that in case it's any use to you, to encourage you to develop that belief for yourself and carry on when it feels like you're dragging your feet through mud!

In situ
So for now I'm very happy to see where it takes me!

A detail showing brushmarks
I love the interesting marks and edges in this painting and I'm going to hang on to it for a while here in the studio. It's leading the way for now...


  1. I'm fascinated by you progress, I spent a while looking at your older work from 2011 on wards and I thought it good then, but this latest piece is just gorgeous! Lovely bold brushwork, beautiful strong colours and the way you make a mundane scene into a beautiful painting! Keep doing whatever your doing, it's working!
    Joy x

  2. That's a stonking painting Sarge - if you need a brief home for it at PBFA, we'd love to have it - a sure-fire winner and seller! But might you have bigger ROI plans for it...?

    1. Ah you read my mind Wilkins! Been lucky with the snow/allotments combo before so here's hoping!

  3. Hugely inspired by your work Haidee-Jo. The idea that self doubt can lead to change is such a positive way of re-framing. I'm at the beginning of my art journey so not short on the doubt! I have loved your new snowy works and particularly the colours in this piece. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi Vicki, thank you so much for letting me know. Always remember it's the courage to continue that counts! All the best xx

  4. I get a tremendous lift from your paintings Haidee-Jo! Sparkling sea, sundrenched people, glowing sails and SNOW. And nowadays I get lots of encouragement too. A really wonderful combination, thanks! I always come away feeling positive. And your latest work really sings. Thanks for sharing. Philippa

    1. Thank you SO much for your kind words Philippa! I'm so happy that my blog helps and inspires you. And it works both ways, for me reading comments like yours and those above, it feels like I have just had friends round to the studio for a coffee and chat! X

  5. absolutely wonderful ! your brush strokes are so loose and yet so precise ... and the colour palette is just wonderful ! Love this so much - you are a tremendous source of inspiration to me too as an aspiring artist , hugs Karin

    1. Thank you Karen, so lovely to hear that! 'Loose and yet precise' is such a great way of putting it, thanks! Good luck with your work! X


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