Thursday, October 2, 2014

Painting in Venice

Fantastic to be back in Venice, it's such a magical place to paint. I've noticed something strange about the tourists though... they seem obsessed with taking 'selfies'! Many hundreds of people here are walking around with their phones on the end of long sticks taking snap after snap, pose after pose. It's quite disconcerting when you see so many people at it, but at least they aren't as interested in the 'artist painting in Venice' shots so that's eased off.
Rain yesterday, but there are plenty of spots to stand and paint from, and today the sun is shining so I need to get out there and take a look around. Maybe somebody will be hanging up their laundry...


  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je comprends que vous soyez heureuse de peindre Venise. J'ai tellement aimé séjourner là-bas... Je sais que j'y retournerais volontiers.
    Les couleurs et l'atmosphère vous font oublier complètement d'où vous venez !
    La peinture que vous nous montrez est fascinante et vos nuances sont tellement VENISE !

    Gros bisous ☼

    Ps : je suis tout à fait de votre avis en ce qui concerne cette nouvelle génération de "selfie" ! L'horreur !


Thank you for your words!