Saturday, May 11, 2013

The watermelon seller

The watermelon seller
There is such a nice story behind this painting. I absolutely loved this subject and the day before yesterday I was able to stop and paint it. I only had an hour and a half though because I had to give a demo somewhere else, and because it was by the side of a busy road lots of people stopped their cars to chat while I was doing it. So, it wasn't quite enough time and I didn't quite get it finished.
Yesterday was another (and my last) chance to get back there to finish it off. However, I came down with some kind of bug and woke up with a splitting headache, sickness and upset stomach.
I was so determined to get back to the subject that after the morning resting I asked my friend Sandie to drop me off back there. But all the way there I felt very poorly and when I got there and set up my kit I didn't feel good at all.
So I gave it a go but even standing up was such an effort. Being ill I suddenly felt a long way from home and I thought maybe I'd done the wrong thing in attempting it when I could/should have stayed in bed.
Then the man at the stall, who had noticed I was struggling came over with a chair for me to sit down on. I was very touched and while I was sitting on the chair shivering despite the heat he cut a watermelon in half and brought it over to me with a plastic knife and fork. I can't tell you how touched I was by his kindness.
I managed a couple of bites of watermelon with tears streaming down my cheeks, and then somehow I found those inner reserves of strength and was able to get up and finish my painting. The rest of the day and night I was still a wreck but very pleased I'd got it done and all thanks to the kindness of a stranger.


  1. What a lovely picture painted in adversity.
    Well done you!!
    Hope you are soon well again.

    1. Thank you Phillipa, I'm completely well now :-)

  2. Haidee, what a sweet story and a kind watermelon seller! I'm so sorry that you were sick and hope you are much better now. The painting is lovely, I like the way you show the stall in shadow, backlit. I feel the gulf atmosphere, you have captured the moment completely. Next time you come to the states, you must include New England in your plans, we can have such fun. I'm off to France tomorrow night, and it looks like rain again...

    1. Thanks so much Bobbi, have a great time in France- I'm sure there will be sunshine amongst the rain :-)

  3. Hi Haidee-Jo, I'm a regular reader of your blog but this is the first time I've commented. I love your paintings and I've really enjoyed your reports from this fantastic event....though it did sound exhausting :0)
    Looking forward to seeing more of your forgotten coast paintings when you get home. Glad you are better.

    1. Thanks so much Jacquie, really good to hear from you :-)

  4. I love the painting - and the story behind it. You did very well to persevere and were rewarded for your efforts. I bet the watermelon man was impressed with your painting!

    1. Hi Wendy, he was absolutely over the moon with it! You could say astounded! I'm getting a copy of it to him somehow :-)


Thank you for your words!