Friday, January 25, 2013

Galley hill allotments in the snow

Galley hill allotments in snow

Here's a better look at my painting from Tuesday, at the allotments. In the actual painting there is more in the way of subtle colour variation - for example on this photo the brightest white snow looks all the same when in fact there's a subtle variation of added lemon yellow and/or magenta. Hopefully I'll learn how to take better photos this year!
It's not too bad though, it gives you the general idea. I'm really happy I had an opportunity to paint some shadows on snow. Much of our snow has melted away now - anybody got a lovely snowman photo to send me?
Here is Cameron and Katie's - he's a beauty! Thank you!

Have a great weekend everyone :-)


  1. I like this Haidee, very easy on the eye. I love the simplistic manner in which you paint. Well done. Sorry I haven't written back-- I will buy one of your paintings one fine day, but at the moment all my funds are taken up with trying to get my daughter into acting school---audition fees are astronomical. I do love to see each painting as they develop. I'm going to start a blog one of these days and love the way you have set yours out. I want to get my writing out there-- I've written a book that almost got published! Damn, but didn't, so Ithought a blog would be a good idea. So will link up when I finally get to it.
    Best regards Janey (Peter Barker's Janey)
    PS how do you ever manage to paint so much with having children?! You are a wizz!!

    1. Thanks Janey, I look forward to reading your new blog! As for painting with children, it's a lot easier now they're both at secondary school as the days are a bit longer! :-)

  2. Great painting Haidee! I love snow when there is strong light as those shadows are just amazing. I feel this painting is a winner!

    1. Thanks Valerie, I love that too and the contre jour effect :-)

  3. I absolutely love the light in this one, I think you`ve captured it perfectly, even if the camera didn`t pick up the subtle variations. And love the snowman too. My boys made one with their cousin but it toppled over before I could get a picture, shame! I managed to do a few pochade paintins of the snow, but haven`t posted them yet on my blog. Maybe you could pop over and let me know what you think? will try to post them this week - any feedback from someone like yourself would be very much appreciated! Judith x

  4. This is such a great painting in so many ways! In fact, all your snow paintings are very impressive Haidee. I know it's been icy but you've been on fire :)

  5. Nice painting Haidee - love the greens and oranges juxtaposed (ooh, get me) against the blues. But most of all, I like Mr Snowman!

    1. He is a beauty isn't he? But all that's left of the snowmen after this weekend of rain is their scarves, hats and little carrotty noses...


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