Friday, December 28, 2012

Making a Mark awards 2012

Galley hill allotments

Galley hill allotments in progress

I hope you're all enjoying your festive break! 

I had a really nice surprise yesterday! My painting 'Galley hill allotments' has been nominated and shortlisted in the Making a Mark annual awards for art bloggers, for best picture of a place shown on an art blog in 2012!

You can have a look at the paintings in all the categories by clicking here...


  1. Haidee, my friend, what a great thing this nomination is! The painting is just lovely, so lively and colorful, one of my favorites of the year. I wish I'd thought to nominate it myself. I've voted and posted a link to the Making a Mark post on my blog. In some categories it was a tough choice...

    1. Thank you Bobbi! You're right, there are some tough choices! :-)

  2. Hi Haidee.
    Brilliantly beautiful painting. I am a follower of yours now that I have found your blog. All the best Haidee.

  3. Wonderful work! congratulations!


Thank you for your words!