Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Evening bathers, Bréhat

This is the second painting I started on the beach yesterday, but it's taken me almost the whole day to finish and I only had my memory to go on!
I'm quite pleased with how it turned out because I think in the end I managed to capture something of that evening mood and light. My visual memory isn't too good, so I really struggle when I don't have the subject in front of me.
Another reason I'm pleased is that I've wanted to introduce more softness in some areas of my paintings lately, rather than always use very direct brush marks. This idea of using more softness in the distance has been travelling around in my brain since my time in Ireland. I was seeing a lot of mist there!
This painting is all about evenings on the beach, when most of the sunbathers have left, and local people who have been working in the daytime gather for a couple of hours before dinner. It's the time for us to see familiar faces (and even dogs) there!


  1. You just blow me away! This is gorgeous! Do you happen to know Stephen Brown's work? He's from London. Also, Colin Page? (From Maine, US) Your work is so riveting!

    1. Thanks so much Nancy! I had come across Colin Page's work before but I forget his name- such beautiful work! The other one is new to me. Thanks again, love to Cello! :-)

  2. Truly beautiful!!!!! Best yet?? Speechless!

    Joy uk

  3. Wow, Haidee, you really got it, the softness you wanted, the back lighting, the light through the water. And I love the dog! A wonderful painting with a great narrative.

    1. Thanks Bobbi! Maybe one to save for a society exhibition I'm thinking...

  4. I've just been catching up with your blog Haidee. These last few are really lovely. Good luck with the painting on the beach. It is easier to be a bit less conspicious sometimes.

  5. Love the peacefulness at the end of day feeling this gives.

    Heather x


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