Monday, November 14, 2016

Pumpkins aglow

Pumpkins aglow
8" x 10"

You never know when you head out with your paints if you're going to find something really special. Any day could be the day when you find the proverbial pot of gold. It doesn't happen too often, and you know it when you see it.

Well, picture my face when I reported for duty at the allotments the next day not knowing what I would paint there, and then saw the way the low sun lit up this greenhouse. Not just the blinding light effect through the glass which was accentuated by the fabulous dark silhouette of the terraced houses behind but lo! The fabulous orange pumpkins and yellow squashes sheltering from the frost inside and visible through the glass. Yes, a 'red sail' day :-)


  1. lovely lovely painting Haidee,

  2. I really love your plein air work Haidee! Inspirational!

  3. Absolutely great how you captured that light!

  4. Bonjour chère amie,

    Je suis éblouie par ce très joli rendu avec la verrière. Un très jolie clin d'oeil à Dame lumière...

    Gros bisous ♡


Thank you for your words!