Painting at Sutton-on-sea |
Back to England and back to work, back to Sutton-on-sea and fish and chips, and back to health after a horrendous two day migraine!
So sorry for being absent from blog land, but in between travelling back from France and unpacking and being poorly what else have I been up to? Well I've had the trusty oil paints out both in a field and as you can see here on the beach. Today was a glorious day at Sutton-on-sea, weather like this in September can only be considered a gift after the wondrous long summer we've had. My goddaughter ran around in a swimsuit all day it was so warm.
I've also started a little September project because I do like a challenge don't I? My aim is to paint a watercolour portrait from life each day in September. I had to miss one day when I was really ill in bed but apart from that I'm managing to keep it up so far. It's difficult and taxing but also really fascinating to be painting in a different medium and subject, and all added to the discipline of doing it every day! I am posting each one daily on twitter so follow me there if you use twitter, I'm @HaideeJoSummers
I seem to have kicked off quite a large project with #PaintSeptember as lots and lots of fabulous people are on board showing their paintings, some daily and some whenever they get a chance. Feel free to join us!
I will get around to posting the portraits here on my blog, probably a few at a time, so don't worry you won't miss anything :-)