Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Salle a manger

Salle a manger
This is the painting of the breakfast room I was working on yesterday afternoon. Isn't it a gorgeous room? That painting above the fireplace at the end is a hunting scene, except you wouldn't know because I haven't gone so far into it as to paint the hounds!
Today was mainly dry, although overcast and still lots of mist around. I went in search of boats (you don't have to go far to find boats here) and worked on a triptych the whole day! It's still not what you'd call finished but I think it's worth spending a bit more time on so hopefully I will show you that soon.
There are so many fabulous marine subjects here- I could easily fill a month if I had it!


  1. A charming piece that gives me a sense of Sargent in the palette and handling of values. Love it.

  2. Une très jolie peinture... J'aime beaucoup sa perspective et son atmosphère.
    Un travail merveilleux et je vous félicite.

    Gros bisous.

    1. Merci Martine! Je suis vraiment heureuse que vous l'aimez!

  3. Lovely painting Haidee-Jo! Two weeks ago I spent a week painting in France (Morvan) and it's great to now read about your painting activities on location. Wishing you a inspiring and productive rest of your stay!


Thank you for your words!