Monday, November 28, 2011

Thoughts of summer

Is it just me or does this photo of me painting a crab in the kitchen look like it was taken in the 1950s?! Amazingly the computer has decided to work tonight, but I don't have any new painting to show you. I had to drive Tim to Saint Malo and we left the house at 7am. I haven't long been home and although it's not too late to paint it is too dark to take a photo of the results! This is so much easier in summer! Fingers crossed for tomorrow! I shall focus and let's hope the computer plays ball too.... 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Cupcake with parasol

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Cupcake with parasol
Here's a Waitrose cupcake painting with a cute paper parasol added for that real party feel! This painting is oil on linen canvas, sized 12" x 12", and at the top and bottom and in gaps you can see the natural colour of the linen left showing. I always think it's too nice to cover completely!
I started this painting with an underpainting of the major complimentary colours, for example the lemon coloured cupcake was first painted in violet and the rose coloured parasol is green underneath. You can see the colours peeking through, giving a special vibrancy.
It would make a lovely birthday gift I think!
Today I've been very busy working on printing the pages of my little journal, drawings from Brehat! Apologies if you are still waiting for one, it's all starting to come together now! ;)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chou chou

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Chou chou
OK I confess, it's Bonnie again, but as she is french I think the name 'Chou chou' suits her well! Does anybody know what the best loved names for dogs are in France? In England, the traditional name for a dog is apparently Rover, but I've never actually met a dog called Rover. Or Chou chou, come to that.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bonnie sur la chaise

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Bonnie sur la chaise
Firstly I have now replaced the image for a better one!
Secondly, how sweet is Bonnie? She is my friend's dog and lives in the north of the island, right next door to the lighthouse! I've painted this from a couple of photos that I took on Tuesday. I'm going to take Maisie to meet Bonnie one day..... when I can summon up the nerve... but who will be top dog? There'll be fireworks....
This painting has ended up a little tight I feel, I don't know why I have such a tendency to 'dot all the i's and cross all the t's' when I'm working on such a small scale. This is going to be my next big challenge to focus on I think - how to make a very small painting with the same feel as my big paintings!
This oil painting is on a canvas panel, 20 x 15 cms and if you would like to see all of my current paintings at auction you can do so by clicking on the link below the image.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Maisie on the sofa

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Maisie on the sofa
Maisie says "This isn't what I had in mind when you promised me lots of walks today, to make up for yesterday when you left me on my own for three hours...  sigh....  you think I'm going to pose for you now? ... Well I'm not, I'm going to get up right now and turn around so that my head's pointing in the other direction - ha! ... see what she makes of that after she's already sketched in my outline - sigh - this will probably take ages... when will I get my walk...  yawn, quite comfy actually... did someone say beach? No? Oh...  that painting of Charlie with a pain au chocolat finishes it's auction tonight .... why is he allowed to sit on the table anyway? Can you imagine the trouble I'd be in if I sat on the table? Grrrr ..... who would want a painting of HIM?! Ridiculous! Cats are not worthy of being painted...  cats are not worthy at all....  snooze..."

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A pear of cows

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A pear of cows
I challenged myself to paint the china cow creamer again, but this time I wanted to use broader strokes and really simplify the object. I turned the jug around so that I wouldn't get too distracted by the writing as there isn't any on the other side! Was that cheating?
Another change that I made was to paint from the other side of the table so that I was looking at the objects with the light behind them which did help me to see the jug as a simpler form and I think helped me to create an exciting composition.
I also removed a pear and added another cow...  did you spot it?
Sorry the photo isn't too clear, I had to use my phone as my camera is playing me up! I do love my old iphone but the photo quality doesn't even come close to an iphone 4!
This painting is the same size as yesterday's, 18 x 24cms, oil on canvas panel.
I'm really pleased with this one too, and like it equally as much as yesterday's, even though it took a lot less time to paint! Which do you prefer? I'd really like to know!

Cow creamer with the last pears
A pear of cows
    Email me your thoughts, or make a comment through my blog! Thank you!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Cow creamer with the last pears

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Cow creamer with the last pears
These three items I brought back with me from England last week. The pears from our garden were absolutely delicious and these are amongst the last few, a bit past their best now. The cow cream jug is adorable, I used to have it in my little cottage studio, Toad Hall, but I don't remember ever painting it before. I enjoyed spending time on this painting, putting in the details of writing and pattern. As I said yesterday, some things just won't be rushed! I think the resulting painting is quite mellow. I love the chance to include typography in a painting! Having said all that though, I would like to try another painting of the cow creamer but really simplify it this time.
This painting is oil on canvas board 18 x 24cms, and is available to buy now via online auction. To take a look at all my current auctions, click on the link above. Prices are in dollars but there is a currency converter so you can easily see the price in pounds sterling or euros, and if you purchase through paypal they will convert the price for you. This particular painting is on at $120 which is £74.84!
Here's a closer look....